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One Consultancy,
Many Specialists.

One point of contact, a global array of niche expertise.

Become one of our network's 200+ case study success stories.

Expert guidance

MCC's Strategic Alliance Network are a handpicked selection of expert technology consultancies.


Each have demonstrable expertise in their fields, specialised in vision and strategy.

A network of capability

Projects often require an engineering team with direct prior experience. 

Benefit from our collective of niche specialists and review similar case studies before you begin.

Centralised processes

The Machine Commons team facilitate: consistent client service, simplified contract terms, streamlined billing and cross pollination of project experience between suppliers.

A network of strategic alliances form 'MCC', the decentralised artificial intelligence consultancy.

Spearheaded by qualified experts and backed by a global collective of 1000+ AI engineers, scientists and developers.

Apply niche technology innovations with the guidance of experienced management consultants today.

Meet Our Experts

Technology consulting requirements often require a physical presence.

We've built strategic alliances with expert consultants to help you launch your AI journey.

Watch 'AI For Business' Series

Full Series

Explore our published case study cards, each delivered successfully by an MCC agent.

Strategic Review

Begin your AI journey with a custom AI strategy.

Image by Clark Van Der Beken

Machine learning will leave no stone unturned

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