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Case study card:

Pre-diagnostic retinal scan for disease recognition

Pre-diagnostic retinal scan for disease recognition



Client problem
A research institute wanted to develop the in house capability for scanning and analysing retinal scans to detect a variety of conditions. Their aim was not to replace medical professionals but instead to channel prospective patients with potential conditions to a relevant professional nearby.

Supplier solution
The supplier developed an AI model for real time analysis on the cloud, which delivered a report of any conditions potentially detected and connected them with a reputed practitioner in their area.
The cloud enabled data platform for collated scans and the AI algorithms ran analysis to classify and label the results. A web based solution was created for the company (data and lab coordination, connecting the doctor and patient) and the client (Mobile app) for uploading scans. An admin dashboard showed overall results.
Edge computing meant much of the image data was analysed in real time. Seamless patient and lab management on the cloud lead to better patient management.






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