Case study card:
Key Opinion Leader (KOL) mapping

Business Challenge
Astra Zeneca wanted a system that automatically tracked the opinions of all relevant Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) across a their molecules.
The aim was to create a knowledge graph and map of the sphere of influence that each KOL had in their respective fields.
The key factor was calculating an ‘Advocacy Score’, which could be tracked alongside ‘behavioural nudges’ also recommended by the system – such as which conferences to build a presence at, which KOL to target with messaging and what topics to keep sales reps across.
Supplier Solution
The supplier’s solution was a fully integrated platform that combined a wide variety of data streams.
This data was normalised and organised into a virtual web of influence, which could be searched by molecule.
Actionable ‘Nudges’ were recommended by the system and sales reps could track interactions (and add notes) with any given KOL.
Pharmaceutical - marketing