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Inspired by cross-pollination
In the future, barriers between businesses will blur - we think of it as community capitalism.
Communities succeed because insight cross pollinates and our role is to extract that insight then serve it to you below.
You can also join our new on-site forum 'The Hive'. Please also note all but the most recent content was relocated from the original LinkedIn group.

Alex Carruthers
Jul 5, 20218 min read
Data science is not really a science anymore
Jan Matousek is a practical data scientist who is more focused on working solutions that shiny toys, sharing his approach to ML in e-comm.

Alex Carruthers
May 19, 202110 min read
Without open-source, we wouldn't be here.
Oleguer discusses how remote business hasn't changed much, recalls some fascinating use cases and leaves predictions for the future of AI.

Alex Carruthers
Apr 13, 20218 min read
Garbage Detection, from Space
Sergey uses satellites to detect garbage and monitor borders. He discusses his approach to business and he casts his mind into the future.

Alex Carruthers
Mar 21, 20217 min read
The Game of ML Models
Manish at Jiva.AI is building a 'game of life' inspired, multi-modal platform to improve the predictive power of healthcare diagnostics.

Alex Carruthers
Mar 10, 20215 min read
Forecasting, a problem every company faces
From crop prediction to predictive resource rostering, every business can benefit from better forecasting.

Alex Carruthers
Jan 27, 20217 min read
Our algorithms have sex
The father of channel attribution and ex-Googler Gabriel Hughes explains his journey to genetic algorithms and dynamic user interfaces.

Alex Carruthers
Sep 16, 20204 min read
Performance, not understanding
Markus Schmitt explains how people misunderstand the role of data - it’s about performance, not understanding.

Alex Carruthers
Mar 10, 20204 min read
Community capitalism: launching the Machine Commons
There‘s only one existential truth: we are not alone. We don’t live our personal lives solo. Businesses shouldn’t be isolated, either.

Alex Carruthers
Nov 22, 20196 min read
Incentivising social enterprise through technology
Rudradeb is the founder of Omdena, an online ecosystem that self-organises volunteers to tackle social issues with machine learning.

Alex Carruthers
Oct 15, 20196 min read
Kaggle: people, we’ve gamified progress
I talk to Kaggle Competition Master Andrey Lukyanenko about how competitions work, and how they’re actually contributing to science.

Alex Carruthers
Sep 4, 20198 min read
Data security risks in the modern age
Tom Dalglish is concerned about, erm, a few things.

Alex Carruthers
Aug 28, 20196 min read
Core competences
Hot dog, not hot dog. Companies which don’t have data as a core competitive advantage have zero incentive to pioneer ML technology.

Alex Carruthers
Aug 27, 20195 min read
Amazon: business, or machine?
An Amazon employee talked about the firm’s trajectory to automate *everything* - even the generation of ‘business rules’.

Alex Carruthers
Jul 22, 20198 min read
Trust versus understanding - preventing draconian overrule in ML
Patrick Hall is an expert in the crucial Machine Learning field of 'understanding'; he warns of draconian overrule if the industry fails.

Alex Carruthers
Jul 11, 20191 min read
ML, meet quantum mechanics
When these two technologies collide - and they will, the world will transcend in capability.

Alex Carruthers
Jul 11, 20191 min read
Oh F***. I'm the AI expert.
If no one knows what they're talking about, someone needs to start talking...

Alex Carruthers
Jul 11, 20191 min read
Mapping the mind
Mapping the brain could be within reach if deep learning continues the way it is going.

Alex Carruthers
Jun 14, 20191 min read
Future of education
No two newsfeeds are the same. Maybe education will follow suit.

Alex Carruthers
Jun 14, 20191 min read
A bridge between data and marketing
Nick Rood works for a company chipping away at the goliath media company budgets - and they don't need many people.

Alex Carruthers
Jun 14, 20191 min read
Consumer Feedback as a Sense
How one team built a global central nervous system for feedback.
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